Thursday, June 13
Breakout Session 2, 11:40-12:40 p.m.
Tuscan Room, 3rd floor
Math Literacy: An Accelerated Pathway for Non-STEM Majors
Kathleen Almy, Rock Valley College
Heather Foes, Rock Valley College
Mathematical Literacy for College Students (MLCS), part of the New Life and Quantway initiatives, creates a new experience in developmental math. This session will describe the course, its content, and its approach. Participants will experience part of a class activity and learn about the pilot, now entering its third year.
Ionic Room, 3rd floor
Effective Pedagogy in the ALP Classroom
Gail Green-Anderson, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Heidi Johnsen, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Thomas Meacham, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Justin Rogers-Cooper, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
LaGuardia faculty will discuss teaching ALP with the additional pressure of a high-stakes, standardized test–the CUNY CATW. As ALP rejects the traditional writing divisions of “developmental” and “college-ready,” we are encouraged to experiment with the best pedagogical practices to serve a multi-cultural, urban population in Queens, NY.
Composite Room, 3rd floor
Using Writing and Presentations to Develop Critical Thinking and Reflection in Developmental Math Courses
Joseph Gerda, College of the Canyons
Kathy Kubo, College of the Canyons
How do we foster students to learn to communicate mathematically, think critically, and reflect on their own learning? In this session we will discuss pedagogy, assignments, and grading that support students in producing high quality written and oral presentations. We will share class videos and samples of student work.
Veterans Room, 3rd floor
Breaking Barriers: ESL, English, and Acceleration at Berkeley City College
Gabrielle Winer, Berkeley City College
Cleavon Smith, Berkeley City College
Berkeley City College’s ESL Program has seen promising results from two recent developments that both provide students with better alternatives to traditional remedial models:1) collaborative assessment process as part of the English Department at our College
2) major curriculum restructuring at the District level
Doric Room, 4th floor
Grammar for the Right Brain – The Link Between ENGL 052 and ENGL 101
Geoffrey Layton, University of Oklahoma
Rather than engage in the frustrating and often fruitless task of learning formal grammar, developmental writers can use “Grammar for the Right Brain” to produce better writing, easing the transition to ENGL 101, all the while avoiding confusing grammar terms and definitions, which may result in even worse writing.
Chapter Room, 4th floor
Essay Writing Workshops for Placement Retakes
George Wilhite, Texas State Technical College-Waco
Short one-hour essay writing workshops can catch many students who are inappropriately placed. Texas State Technical College-Waco has used these workshops and retests to resolve mistakes and get the students to the level they truly need. Students have been moved from lowest level developmental classes to freshman composition.