Tuesday, June 11

Time Event Location
5:00 –7:00 PM Early Registration Colonnade Lobby, 3rd Floor

Wednesday, June 12

Time Event Location
8:30 –9:30 Registration Colonnade Lobby, 3rd Floor
8:30 –10:30 Continental breakfast Colonnade
9:00-12:00 Intro to ALP
A half-day workshop for anyone contemplating adapting the ALP model at their school. We’ll talk about how ALP works and then about practical issues in establishing ALP at your school.
Composite Room, 3rd Floor
Jamey Gallagher, Assistant Director; ALP, CCBC
9:00-12:00 Inside an Accelerated, Integrated Reading & Writing Classroom
As Director of the California Acceleration Project, Katie Hern supports faculty from across California during their first year of teaching an accelerated course in academic literacy. This interactive half-day session will feature tools used in this work, including an instructional framework for integrating reading and writing, guidelines for choosing texts, and strategies for making sure that affective issues don’t derail students. Participants will get a sense of the day-to-day life of an accelerated, integrated course through classroom video, activities, texts, and assignments from Hern’s own classroom, along with online materials developed by other California teachers.
Tuscan Room, 3rd Floor
Katie Hern, Director of the California Acceleration Project
Part I
Part II
Math Acceleration
Join Kathy Almy and Heather Foes, authors of a textbook for Mathematical Literacy for College Students (MLCS) titled Math Lit, and Kathy Kubo and Myra Snell, from the California Acceleration Project, for an in-depth look at innovative alternative developmental math courses that accelerate students to and through Statistics, Liberal Arts math and other transferable math courses for non-STEM majors. These courses share exciting design principles: a shortened pipeline to college-level math, a focus on quantitative literacy, challenging activities that build critical thinking skills, attention to fostering communication skills, collaborative learning, and use of technology. All of these courses have either scaled successfully within a college or are being adopted across colleges.
Doric Room, 4th Floor
Myra Snell
Mathematics Professor, Los Medanos College
Part I
Part II
Faculty Development for ALP
Intended for faculty who are teaching or who plan to teach ALP, this workshop will raise a series of questions about how teaching in an ALP classroom is different from teaching in a more traditional classroom. At the end of the day, participants will leave with a bunch of ideas to choose from and with a collection of useful classroom materials.
Ionic Room, 3rd Floor
Peter Adams, Director of Accelerated Learning Program
12-1:15 Lunch Marble Room
1:30-4:30 PM ACLT: Integrated Reading and Writing?
This workshop will feature an accelerated developmental reading course currently being piloted at The Community College of Baltimore County. Now in its third semester of implementation, ACLT 052 uses an academic literacy model that focuses on critical thinking, while integrating both reading and English. Join us as we share the details of the course design, preliminary data on student success, lessons learned, and practical starting points for implementing a similar course at your institution.
Composite Room, 3rd Floor
Jeanine Williams, Coordinator of Reading Acceleration Initiatives at CCBC
1:30-4:30 PM Cooperative and Active Learning
Cooperative Learning – a half-day workshop that covers the basics of active cooperative learning — a classroom practice with proven efficacy. Participants will learn how to form groups for cooperative learning, best practices for cooperative learning, and how to infuse CL into the ALP classroom.
Michelle Zollars, Patrick Henry Community College.
Wednesday evening, after the workshops, we are offering dinner at Tio Pepe, a Baltimore legend.
Tio Pepe Restaurante
Read more and make a reservation

Thursday, June 13

Time Event Location
8:30–10:00 Registration Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
8:00–9:00 Continental breakfast Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
9:00-9:15 Welcome Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
9:15-10:15 Dr. Keith Gilyard
“The Students’ Right to Accelerate: Diversity in Language and Learning”
Corinthian Lobby
10:15-10:20 Overview Corinthian Lobby
10:30-12:40 Breakout Sessions 1 and 2 Session 1 link
Session 2 link
12:45-1:45 Lunch Mirror and Edinburgh, 5th floor
2:00-4:10 Breakout Sessions 3 and 4 Session 3 link
Session 4 link
5:00-6:00 Reception
First 300 attendees will receive a ticket for a complimentary drink
Cohosted by the Conference on Acceleration and Pearson Books
Roman Strada/Corinthian

Friday, June 14

Time Event Location
8:30–9:30 Registration Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
8:00–9:00 Continental breakfast Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
9:00-10:00 Dr. Hunter Boylan
“Developmental Education:  Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going.”
Corinthian Lobby, 2nd Floor
10:30-12:40 Breakout Sessions 5 and 6 Session 5 link
Session 6 link
12:45-1:45 Lunch Mirror and Edinburgh, 5th floor
1:00-1:45 Peter Adams, Director of ALP
“Developmental Education: An Endangered Species”
Mirror and Edinburgh, 5th floor