Thursday, June 13

Breakout Session 3, 2-3 p.m.

Tuscan Room, 3rd floor
A Case for Acceleration in ESL: The Transitional Bilingual Learning Community (TBLC) at Harry S. Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago

Ana King, Harry S. Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago
Elia Lopez, Harry S. Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago
Helen Valdez, Harry S. Truman College, City Colleges of Chicago

The TBLC is a two-semester cohort, where Latino students take general education courses concurrently with ESL and developmental math. This presentation will discuss highlights of the model: course collaboration, bilingual advising, and parental involvement, and show how faculty link curricula, assignments, and assessment among the ESL, developmental, and general education courses.

Integrated Reading/Writing 
Ionic Room, 3rd floor
15+ Years of Accelerated Reading and Writing in the Chabot and Las Positas Community College District

Katie Hern, Chabot College
Catherine Eagan, Las Positas College

At Chabot and Las Positas, most developmental students take just one integrated reading and writing course before college English. This session will feature a description of the colleges’ models, long-term student outcomes, efforts to support program coherence across faculty, and approaches to placement and sentence-level instruction.

Integrated Reading/Writing 
Composite Room, 3rd floor 
Renegotiating Success: A Window into an Integrated Reading and Writing Classroom

Alma Ramirez; Mt. San Jacinto College
Andrea Hammock; Mt. San Jacinto College

Success – students want it; instructors want their students to have it. This presentation provides a snapshot into two instructors’ classrooms where success is at the forefront of each reading, writing, class discussion, and group activity with Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success as the foundational text.

Math and Writing 
Veterans Room, 3rd floor
Preparing Faculty to Teach Accelerated Mathematics Courses 
ALP & Me: How the ALP Institute Transformed My Teaching

Combined Presenters and Abstracts:
Sarah Abromaitis, Community College of Baltimore County
Jesse Kiefner, Community College of Baltimore County
Danielle Truszkowski, Community College of Baltimore County
This session explores the evolution of the faculty training offered at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) for faculty interested in teaching accelerated mathematics courses within the Accelerated Mathematics Program (AMP).

Fawcett Dunstan, Community College of Baltimore County
A veteran instructor of ALP at CCBC since its near inception, Professor Dunstan will recount how the ALP Institute, a multi-session workshop for new ALP instructors, has transformed her teaching.

Doric Room, 4th floor 
A Look at Writing Classes from the Student Perspective

Charlotte Finnegan, Jackson Community College
Ted Miller, Jackson Community College

For two years, we have taught developmental writing, modeled after ALP as developed by Peter Adams. Would students stress out and disappear from class? No. The opposite happened. In a qualitative study, we seek to better understand what happens in ALP classes through the opinions and experiences of students.

Chapter Room, 4th floor 
Turning Affective Issues into Effective Instruction

Jo Johnson, Ivy Tech Community College
Amber Jones, Ivy Tech Community College

The ALP builds students’ skills and confidence, yet life issues continually challenge our students. As outside life impacts the classroom, instructors must adapt to provide supportive learning foundations. Participants will walk away with methods for response to and curriculum incorporation of affective issues influencing student focus, retention, motivation, and success.