Friday, June 14

Breakout Session 5, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Developmental Education
Tuscan Room, 3rd floor 
Translating Research to Practice: Perspectives on Developmental Education Research from Practitioners, Policymakers, and Researchers

Nikki Edgecombe, Community College Research Center, Teachers College
Hunter Boylan, National Center for Developmental Education, Appalachian State University
David Crook, CUNY University Dean for Institutional Research and Assessment

Faculty, administrators, and policymakers must have rigorous research to consult as they implement developmental education reforms and must develop skills to interpret and translate research into well-informed policies and practices. This session will examine current developmental education research and provide strategies to effectively use empirical evidence to support reform.

Integrated Reading/Writing 
Ionic Room, 3rd floor
Academic Literacy 052: How CCBC Integrated Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking to Accelerate Developmental Students

Monica Walker, Community College of Baltimore County
Jeanine Williams, Community College of Baltimore County
Rachele Lawton, Community College of Baltimore County

Redesigning the developmental Reading curriculum for the purpose of acceleration can be a challenge. CCBC developed an academic literacy course that accelerates students through multiple disciplines and levels and has delivered promising preliminary results. Learn about CCBC’s process for developing this model, with an emphasis on the administrative perspective.

Composite Room, 3rd floor
Combining PBL (Problem- Based Learning) with ALP in the Writing Class
Critical classroom pedagogy: Student perspectives about how new literacy theories impact student learning

Presenters and Abstracts:
Susan Waldman, Leeward Community College, Pearl City, HI
Combining Problem-based Learning with ALP helps developmental students understand purpose in writing and focuses their research efforts. All student work in the Composition I class relates directly to issues and problems relevant to an organic farm. Particularly for developmental students, having a context for their writing can be pivotal.

Simone Gibson, Community College of Baltimore County
Haleh Harris, Community College of Baltimore County
This session is intended to inform participants about the potential ways of using theory to inform classroom curriculum as well as student esteem. Further, it provides a specific example of a learning unit that uses New Literacy theory to inform students.

Veterans Room, 3rd floor
Pedagogy in ALPESOL: Acceleration Goes Global

Debbie Trevathan, Community College of Baltimore County
Alex Garrido, Community College of Baltimore County
David Hewitt, Community College of Baltimore County

Acceleration has come of age in developmental education, but is this success replicable for non-native or World English speakers? This pedagogy-focused discussion of ESOL and ALPESOL at CCBC will include guidelines for integrating a rigorous ESOL writing course with college composition to create a scaffold for success.

Doric Room, 4th floor 
Growing Student Autonomy in the Accelerated Classroom

Summer Serpas, Irvine Valley College
Jeff Rhyne, Moreno Valley College

This presentation argues that autonomy is essential to eliciting high-quality work from “remedial” students. Two English faculty participating in the California Acceleration Project will share specific classroom practices spanning the course of a semester that foster student motivation, engagement, autonomy and strong academic performance in the accelerated pre-college writing classroom.

Developmental Education
Chapter Room, 4th floor 
Finding a Place Outside the First-Year Classroom

Rachel Rigolino, SUNY New Paltz
Penny Freel, SUNY New Paltz

Faculty members strive to transform their first-year classrooms into safe spaces for risk-taking and experimentation. Of course, students must eventually find their way within the larger academe. The presenters will discuss a student publication and reading designed as opportunities for students to become comfortable as members of the wider campus community.