Friday, June 14

Breakout Session 6, 11:40-12:40

English and Mathematics
Tuscan Room, 3rd floor
Adapting the ALP: 1 versus 2 Instructors

Jo Johnson, Ivy Tech Community College
Amber Jones, Ivy Tech Community College
Jessica Huffman, Ivy Tech Community College

The ALP has proven successful, but some colleges lack the necessary faculty. Since Fall 2011, Ivy Tech Richmond has piloted 1- and 2-teacher co-requisite courses based on the ALP. Presenters in English and Math will address unique challenges and benefits of these Modified ALP’s: communication, consistency, student success and retention.

Ionic Room, 3rd floor
Moving Towards a Faster Track to Completion: Chesapeake’s Program for Accelerated Student Success (PASS)

Juliet Smith, Chesapeake College
Ellen Flournoy, Chesapeake College
Jeremy Crowe, Chesapeake College

In fall 2012, Chesapeake committed to an accelerated model for Developmental English. However, we found countless examples of curricular hurdles that were decelerating rather than accelerating student progress. We will review what components slowed student progress and describe the re-designed spring curriculum meant to get Chesapeake’s Developmental English students on an accelerated track.

Developmental Education
Composite Room, 3rd floor
The Redesign of Developmental Ed in Colorado

Bitsy Cohn, Colorado Community College System

This presentation will describe the redesign of Developmental Education in Colorado, including the process the DETF engaged in to come to its recommendations including research and training in the various models and best practices across the country, and the work the members did to include multiple stakeholders in the iterative process of development.

Veterans Room, 3rd floor
Scaffolding in the Accelerated Developmental English Class
5 Steps to Successful Implementation of Accelerated Learning

Presenters and Abstracts:
Julie O’Connell, Felician College
Catherine McMahon, Felician College
Instructional scaffolding is support given during the learning process which helps students achieve learning goals. This presentation will focus on five scaffolding efforts made for developmental English students: learning communities, tutoring, intrusive advising, sequenced assignments, personal librarians, and follow up “Introduction to the Study of Literature” learning community cohorts with Writing Studio tutorial support.

Martine Courant Rife, Lansing Community College
Christopher Manning, Lansing Community College
In this presentation I discuss 5 key strategies to successfully implementing accelerated learning in your college’s English Department based on our success at Lansing Community College in Michigan.

Doric Room, 4th floor 
Tales from the Third Year: Implementing Accelerated Basic Skills at San Diego Mesa College
Year 3 of ALP at Northeast Lakeview College: Changes and Opportunities

Presenters and Abstracts:
Wendy Smith, San Diego Mesa College
Leyden Daniels, San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Mesa College’s experience with an open-access one-semester reading-and-writing course thus far: our practices, experiences, and results.

Jennifer Riske, Northeast Lakeview College
Learn how a community college in Texas has adapted the ALP course model to fit its outcomes and objectives! Topics include: the necessity of faculty development, the role of technology and the issue of textbooks.

Culturally Responsive Teaching
Chapter Room, 4th floor 
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Developmental Classroom

Gretchen Rudham, Community College of Baltimore County

This session will examine the use of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) principles in classroom pedagogy. The presentation will include ways to introduce and utilize this concept in curriculum development as well as classroom learning and what the perceived benefits are for students.