Breakout Session 6, 11:40-12:40

Reading and Writing
Tuscan Room, 3rd floor
The Art of Critical Reading: Metacognitive Revision in an ALP Learning Community

Cheryl Hogue Smith, Kingsborough Community College

This presentation will discuss the results of classroom experiments designed to help developmental students become more proficient readers and writers of difficult texts through guided experiences with metacognition and revision as they engaged in the reading process—reading their own writing and the writing of others.

Ionic Room, 3rd floor
It’s Alive!: Building Curriculum and Classrooms that Inspire and Develop Students’ Voice and Choice

Caroline Minkowski, City College of San Francisco
Michelle Simotas, City College of San Francisco

All accelerated English courses at City College of San Francisco feature thematic driving questions such as “Can we end gang violence?” and “Is technology making our lives better?.” Faculty participating in the California Acceleration Project will share strategies and guide participants through developing driving questions and flexible, student-centered curricula and classrooms.

Reading and Writing
Composite Room, 3rd floor
Accelerating Critical Thinking through Integration of Reading and Writing

Amy Lawlor, City College of San Francisco

Developmental students can, and should, tackle critical thinking from the start, but how much can they handle and what is appropriate? Critical thinking is imperative in acceleration and makes for a much more interesting course—both for student and instructor. This session will address integrated reading and writing strategies for promoting critical thinking.

Veterans Room, 3rd floor
“Mainstreaming Remedial Mathematics Students: A Random Assignment Experiment at The City University of New York”

Mari Watanabe-Rose, The City University of New York
Alexandra W. Logue, The City University of New York

A total of 722 remedial mathematics students from three community colleges were randomly assigned to: 1) remedial elementary algebra; 2) remedial elementary algebra with peer-led weekly workshops; or 3) college-level introductory statistics with peer-led weekly workshops. The percentage of students passing each treatment was 38%, 45%, and 56%, respectively.

English and ESOL
Doric Room, 4th floor
Trends in Online ALP
LEAPstart: Lessons from an Accelerated, ESOL Learning Community

Presenters and Abstracts:

Fawcett Dunstan, Community College of Baltimore County

The emergence of Web 2.0 tools (such as blogs, wikis, and Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIPs) that focus on collaboration between users may have positive implications for ALP students, particularly online ALP students.

Lawrence Lawson and Carol Lowther, Palomar College

This presentation focuses on the fortunes and foibles experienced by creating, coordinating, and teaching in a year-long, accelerated ESOL learning community. Attendees will get strategies to develop an ESOL program, create integrated assignments for a learning community, and design classroom projects that build skills ESOL students need in transfer-level English.

Chapter Room, 3rd Floor
Getting Started: A CUNY Start Approach for Struggling Writers

Sarah Eisenstein, CUNY College Transition Curriculum & Instruction Unit
Gayle Cooper Shpirt, CUNY College Transition Curriculum & Instruction Unit

This breakout session will provide a framework to help students use model essay analysis, a tool developed in CUNY Start’s integrated reading/writing college transition classes. Participants will discuss barriers to writing, assess traditional writing scaffolds, and learn how to use model essay analysis to build struggling writers’ confidence and skills.