Since the fall of 2012, the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) from the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) has been partnering with Achieving the Dream (AtD) in a national inventory of ALP initiatives around the country.  This inventory is part of a two-year study, supported by a generous grant from the Kresge Foundation and conducted by the Center for Applied Research (CFAR).

As the study comes to an end, we are hoping to update and expand the ALP national inventory.  We thank those of you who provided information about your programs through the survey sent out by AtD last year and hope you will update your information through the current survey.  We hope those of you who did not complete the survey last year will take a moment to help us expand the inventory so we are including as many ALPs as possible.

Your survey responses will give us a better understanding of how ALPs serve students in different types of institutions and will help us identify the common elements of implementation.  If you completed the inventory survey last year, please still take a moment to add any new information by entering the name of your college and only completing the questions that need to be updated. If you have never completed the inventory survey, please complete all of the questions. We ask that all surveys be submitted by October 10.  If you have any questions about this survey or about the ALP Inventory Project, please do not hesitate to contact Dawn Coleman at  The direct link to the survey is:

Thank you in advance for your participation in this important endeavor.