Breakout Session 3, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Statway: Accelerating Student Completion of College-Level Statistics

Loch Raven I

Andre Freeman, Capital Community College

Statway is a year-long introductory college-level statistics course that employs unique pedagogical approaches to promote collaborative learning and student persistence. This interactive workshop will engage participants in Statway lessons and detail the unique pedagogical and curricular features that have enabled Statway to foster success for mathematics students throughout the nation.

Overcoming Institutional BarriCADEs to Achieve Acceleration in Developmental Mathematics

Loch Raven II

Jason Pallett, Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City

Developmental mathematics at Metropolitan Community College – Kansas City went through a grant-funded redesign process. This interactive session will provide background on why MCC was awarded a Title III grant, the process that math faculty went through to develop new accelerated options, and summarize course success and proposed adjustments to redesigned courses.

Kinesthetic Writing Skills Activities as Guiderope: Scaling the Print Barrier in the ALPs

Pathway to Composition Competency: A Case History
Harborview I

Presenters and Abstracts:
Jenia Walter, Aims Community College

Hands-on editing activities provide a foundation for all students while forging a vital link between comp class and cohort group. Attendees will experience a kinesthetic activity from comp and cohort students’ perspectives (with slides and handouts highlighting effective strategies), then follow and discuss cohort and full-group paths of ensuing instruction.

Geoffrey W. Layton, University of Oklahoma

This presentation will describe how one-third of the students in both my Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 non-credit “basic” freshman writing classes were able to place into full-credit classes after just one week of instruction using a completely revised approach to the Graff/Birkenstein “They Say/I Say” templates.

Building a Model for Successful ALP Implementation and Scale-up

Harborview II

Dawn Coleman, University of South Carolina

Implementation research is an interdisciplinary field of study focused on identifying core components of successful implementations. Learn about one implementation framework (which I’ve adapted to ALP) and explore how to use the model to anticipate and avoid (or at least alleviate) some of the challenges of implementing and scaling-up ALP.

Inside Accelerated Courses in Writing and Reading at BMCC, CUNY

Integrated Reading/Writing
Camden Room

Shoba Bandi-Rao, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Caroline Pari-Pfisterer, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Jan Stahl, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Moire Matheson, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY

Several professors from CUNY’s Borough of Manhattan Community College will take you inside their classrooms as they teach accelerated courses in writing and reading for both ESL and non-ESL students. One professor redesigned a unit on the “American Dream” after student difficulty with the material; another professor used mobile apps; two others describe their frustrations with the course.

Instructor Commentary 2.0: Shifting from Grammar-Focused to Content-Focused Feedback

Potomac Room

Lindsay E. Lassen, Community College of Baltimore County
Shannon Meers, Community College of Baltimore County

As current pedagogy suggests a shift toward a more holistic instructional approach, it is important that the compositional feedback we provide our students reflect the same shift. To this end, participants will evaluate models and discuss pathways for shifting from providing grammar-focused commentary to more content-focused commentary in an effort to promote strong compositional content.