Breakout Session 4, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
High-Leverage Strategies for Increasing Completion of College Math and Closing Equity Gaps
Loch Raven I
Myra Snell, Los Medanos College
Is mathematics a major barrier to transfer at your college? Are attrition rates for students of color high in your remedial math sequence? Come learn about high leverage strategies, used by colleges participating in the California Acceleration Project, to dramatically improve completion of college math and address equity gaps.
Computer Activities for the Accelerated Math Classroom
Loch Raven II
Robert Kuhar, Community College of Baltimore County
Several computer activities will be demonstrated as used in an Introductory/Intermediate Algebra class.
Some examples using free and or proprietary software include
· Live Anonymous Student Feedback with Socrative
· Piecewise Functions with the Ti -84 Smartview Emulator
· In Class problem Sessions using ALEKS, MyMathLab and Webassign
· Customized Problem Session using MyOpenMath
· Exploring Quadratic Functions using
· Transformations of Function using Geometer’s Sketchpad
· Visualizing Complex Roots of Quadratic Functions with Maple
· Step by Step Problem Solving at
· Factoring Quadratics using Synthetic Division and Excel
Welcoming Millennial Students to the Accelerated Curriculum
Harborview I
Stephanie Bridges, Irvine Valley College
Michelle Mattoon, Irvine Valley College
Kurt Meyer, Irvine Valley College
Kristin Noone, Irvine Valley College
Our presentation would focus on the hypothesis that Millennial students do not fit the common stereotypes of being a lazy, narcissistic generation, but instead need to be educationally stimulated in ways that meet their interests and concerns, which can be and are being met through the acceleration pedagogy.
The Magazine Portfolio: Rhetorical Analysis in the ALP Classroom
Integrated Reading/Writing
Harborview II
Jennifer Garner, Howard Community College
Writing a rhetorical analysis is a standard of composition classes, but can be daunting for students. This presentation will introduce a portfolio project where students analyze a popular magazine, write their own article and then analyze their own rhetorical choices. Participants will assume the role of students as they walk through the various aspects of the project.
English Language Learners in ALP Classrooms
Camden Room
Jed Shahar, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Benjamin Lawrence Miller, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Ilse Schrynemakers, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Beth Counihan, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Trikartikaningsih Byas, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
A panel on how our community college has integrated developmental English Language Learners (ELLs) into accelerated, credit-bearing programs for reading and writing. The panel will discuss the structure of the school’s ALP, present data examining outcomes for ELL students, and include presentations and materials from the integrated ELL ALP classroom.
If It Works, Scale It Up: A Michigan ALP Story
Potomac Room
Jenny Schanker, Michigan Center for Student Success
Charlotte Finnegan, Jackson College
Jennifer Ernst, Henry Ford College
When evidence shows students benefiting from a program like ALP, scaling up becomes more and more urgent. Representatives from two Michigan community colleges and the Michigan Center for Student Success will discuss the importance of scaling up effective innovations and describe challenges they have overcome in leading this process.