Schedule for the 2017 Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education. Please check back for the updates.

Tuesday, June 13th

Time Event Location
4:00pm-6:00pm Check-in Lobby

Wednesday, June 14th

Time Event Location
9:00-12:00 Inside an Accelerated Reading and Writing Classroom

As Director of the California Acceleration Project, Katie Hern supports faculty from across California during their first year of teaching an accelerated course in academic literacy. In high-impact CAP English pathways, students’ odds of completing college English are 2.3 times higher than in traditional remediation, and all students benefit, including those often believed “not appropriate” for acceleration (e.g., students with low scores, low GPAs, disabilities, ESL backgrounds). This interactive half-day session will feature an instructional framework for integrating reading and writing, guidelines for choosing texts, and strategies for making sure that affective issues don’t derail students. Participants will experience accelerated pedagogy through classroom video, activities, texts, and assignments from Hern’s own classroom, along with online materials developed by other California teachers.

Katie Hern, Director of the California Acceleration Project
Max Enrollment: 75
9:00-12:00 ALP Start-Up

A practical and interactive workshop on getting ALP started and, once it’s started, scaling it up so the maximum number of students benefit.  Peter Adams will discuss how CCBC started ALP but also describe the processes of many of the schools he has worked with.  Participants will be invited to share their questions and experiences. Then the workshop will turn to the question of scaling up.  At CCBC, we offered our first sections of ALP in 2007, but it took us ten years to scale up to 100%.  We’ll explore why it took us so long and what other schools are doing to scale up more quickly.

Peter Adams, Professor Emeritus, CCBC
Max Enrollment: 50
9:00-12:00 Mathematics Acceleration for Beginners

Are you interested in developing a math acceleration model at your institution? Attend this session to learn about a replicable and successful cohort model used at the Community College of Baltimore County. Participants will receive an extensive overview the model; topics of discussion include accelerated course design, faculty training models, marketing, scale-up, and the latest data.

Jesse Kiefner, AMP Director
Danielle Truszkowski, AMP Assistant Director
Max Enrollment: 50
9:00-12:00 Active Learning, Engagement, and Student-Centered Classrooms: A Toolkit to Transform Instructional Delivery and Learning Environments

This hands-on workshop will share pedagogical insights developed during the multi-year scale-up of Butler Community College’s (KS) successful ALP. Instructors attending this session will learn classroom delivery methods for immediate use in their teaching — active-learning strategies that promote advanced reading, robust discussion, genuine inquiry, and thoughtful writing.  Butler ALP instructors’ pedagogical practices have matured partly because parallel campus initiatives foster student engagement. ALP instructors have learned to cultivate classroom environments far different from those in previously taught courses. In this session, Butler instructors will describe a range of tools and demonstrate how they can be used to dramatically change classroom dynamics and create a highly engaged, student-driven environment.

Jim Buchhorn, Faculty, Butler Community College
Sheryl LeSage, Faculty, Butler Community College
Andrea McCaffree-Wallace, Faculty, Butler Community College
Katheryn McCoskey, Faculty, Butler Community College
Diana Morton, Faculty, Butler Community College
Cory Teubner, Faculty, Butler Community College
Max Enrollment: 40
12:00-1:00 PM Lunch
1:00-4:00 PM Academic Literacy: Accelerating Integrated Reading, Writing and Thinking

This workshop introduces a current practice which accelerates developmental reading and writing students to credit eligibility in one course. Academic Literacy reduces students’ reading and writing course requirements, which vary from 7 to 16 semester hours, to 5 semester hours. Student success rates support this innovation as a viable option in developmental education. During this workshop, participants will learn the course guiding principles, experience pedagogical practices, and analyze samples of student work. Participants will also examine some of the challenges in teaching such a course and innovative strategies for addressing these challenges.

Sharon Moran Hayes, ACLT Faculty, CCBC
Denise Parker, ACLT Faculty, CCBC
Rachele Lawton, ACLT Department Chair, CCBC
Max Enrollment: 40
1:00-4:00 PM ALP Pedagogy: “What Will I Do in My ALP Class?”

Student success in a co-requisite model, such as ALP, depends on what happens in the linked developmental course (the ALP class). This workshop will focus on (1) backward curriculum design, (2) aligning the syllabi of the credit-level and developmental classes, (3) incorporating active/collaborative learning, (4) integrating instruction in active reading, critical thinking, and analytical writing, (5) developing scaffolding activities that support the college-level texts and writing projects assigned in the credit-level class, and (6) utilizing contextual grammar strategies. Attendees will have the opportunity to consider these topics within the context of their own classes.

Susan Gabriel, ALP Director, CCBC
Haleh Azimi, Academic Literacy Faculty, CCBC
Elsbeth Mantler, English Faculty, CCBC
Max Enrollment: 50
1:00-4:00 PM Now Where Were We? Accelerating Culturally Responsive Teaching Initiatives

In this workshop, leaders from CCBC’s Culturally Responsive Teaching Program (CRT) will present one of their award winning training modules. Then they will guide participants through simulations that prepare participants to train others. Participants will take away with them general train-the-trainer techniques as well as specific tools for leading learning dialogues about culture and race.

David Truscello, Professor English, CCBC
Jadi Z. O. Keambiroiro, Assistant Professor, English, CCBC
Max Enrollment: 40
1:00-4:00 PM Inside the Accelerated Math Classroom: Engaging Activities and the Integration of Open Educational Resources

The structure of the Accelerated Math Program at the Community College of Baltimore County allows instructors to integrate engaging (and fun) learning activities. Participants will have the opportunity to experience these activities from the student perspective. In addition, open educational resources are integrated in accelerated math classes to alleviate student expenses. The adoption and integration of open source materials will be discussed.‬‬‬‬

Lisa Feinman, CCBC Assistant Professor
Pete Surgent, CCBC Associate Professor
Max Enrollment: 50
6:00 PM Dinner

Thursday, June 15th

Time Event Location
8:30–10:00 Conference Check-In Capitol Ballroom Foyer
8:00–9:00 Continental breakfast
9:00-9:15 Welcome Capitol Ballroom
9:15-10:15 Plenary Speaker: Luke Wood Capitol Ballroom
10:15-10:20 Overview
10:30-12:40 Breakout Sessions 1 and 2 See Breakout Sessions links below
12:45-1:45 Lunch
2:00-4:30 Breakout Session 3 and 4 See Breakout Sessions links below

Friday, June 16th

Time Event Location
8:30–9:30 Conference Check-In Capitol Ballroom Foyer
8:00–9:00 Continental breakfast
9:00-10:15 Plenary Speaker: Myra Snell Capitol Ballroom
10:30-01:00 Breakout Sessions 5 and 6 See Breakout Sessions links below