Breakout Session 1 10:30-11:30 a.m.

The Most Promising Practices for Community College Developmental Writing Students
Integrated Reading and Writing
Capital Ballroom 1

Sim Barhoum, San Diego Mesa College
J. Luke Wood, San Diego State University

Through the investigation of validated studies, we synthesized the most promising practices of community college developmental writing programs. We then conducted a nationwide study of successful, evidence-based, developmental writing faculty. An empirical framework based on the structural, curricular, andragogical, and relational domains is presented.

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That: High Impact/Low Prep Classroom Strategies for Student Success
Capitol Ballroom 3

Melissa Long, Porterville College

I will show busy instructors how I address the affective domain, put the responsibility for learning on the students’ shoulders, and create community in my classroom using fun techniques that take very little preparation, are easily replicable, address a variety of learning styles, and can be used in any discipline.

Anonymous Class Participation: Using Polling to Support the Affective Domain & Shift Class Dynamics

From “Additive” to “Integrative”: Research on Designing and Teaching Integrated Reading and Writing
Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 2

Leila Easa, City College of San Francisco
Julia Raufman, Community College Research Center

Come learn about the benefits of using anonymous polling software to support the affective domain: breaking the ice, stimulating rich classroom conversation, promoting metacognitive reflection, engaging multiple learning styles, and shifting classroom dynamics. See polling in action plus get tips and advice on how to use it in your classroom.

This presentation will feature findings from research on the experiences of faculty members in the midst of a statewide reform effort to integrate developmental reading and writing. Two approaches to course design will be discussed, as well as their implications for faculty professional development and selecting curricular materials.

The ALP Course as Honors Course

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 5

Kendra Griffin, Aims Community College
Karen McCurley-Hardesty, Aims Community College
Leslie Morrison, Aims Community College
Meg Spencer, Aims Community College

This panel encourages participants to invigorate the ALP course using honors courses as a model, emphasizing challenging reading and inquiry and creating opportunities for learners to forge close ties with each other and the instructor, to engage in independent, in-depth study, and to assess their own learning.

Leveraging Synergy Among Multiple Strategies for Developmental Math Acceleration

Capitol Ballroom 6

Eric Matsuoka, Leeward Community College
Reina Ojiri, Leeward Community College

Learn how students at Leeward CC complete a transferable math course in their first semester after placing one or even two levels below the college level. Degree pathway curriculum alignment, co-requisite course implementation, and procedural enhancements within the Emporium Redesign Model will be shared in depth during the session.

Flooring the Station Wagon: Acceleration through Learning Communities by becoming a Family

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 7

Nicole Servino, Community College of Denver
Lisa Silverstein, University of Colorado Denver
Brian Dickson, Community College of Denver
Kurt Pond, Community College of Denver

For nearly seven years, the Community College of Denver offered co-taught courses with measurable success. Hear about why it worked, why we lost it, and why you should care.