Breakout Session 3, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Restructuring the Math Pipeline for Success

Capitol Ballroom 1

Terrie Nichols, Cuyamaca College

Cuyamaca College no longer offers math at two or more levels below transfer. Instead, developmental students enroll in: 1) Intermediate Algebra with concurrent-enrollment support, 2) an accelerated pre-statistics course, or 3) a college-level math course with concurrent-enrollment support. The outcome? Pipeline success rates are significantly greater across all disproportionately-impacted groups.

Achieving Equitable Outcomes in Co-requisite English Courses

Capitol Ballroom 3

Carrie Marks, Sacramento City College
Dawna DeMartini, Sacramento City College
Holly Piscopo, Sacramento City College

In this session we will examine how culturally relevant instructional strategies and curriculum, intrusive mentoring, community building, and addressing the affective domain are helping our African American students succeed at dramatically higher rates than they do in our traditional developmental English sequence.

Ready to Go Big? Advice from a College that Has Been There, Done That

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 3

Summer Serpas, Irvine Valley College
Rebecca Kaminsky, Irvine Valley College
Allison Schmitendorf, Irvine Valley College

English faculty from Irvine Valley College share practical advice for departments working to scale-up programs from pilot to full-scale accelerated offerings. Discussion includes: building support among colleagues, developing a local collaborative training program, and changing departmental and school culture from one of student deficit to one of student capacity.

Lessons of Resilience

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 5

Lorrie DiGiampietro, Cuyahoga Community College
Kirsten Yates-Konzen, Cuyahoga Community College

Explore the fascinating stories of people who survived some of the most challenging circumstances in recent human history: the Holocaust, the bombing of Hiroshima, the devastation of Syria, among others. Learn to craft a unit on human resilience that embeds materials within a college composition and ALP companion course framework.

Creating Space for Faculty Community in Troubled Times, Heart by Heart

Faculty Development
Capitol Ballroom 6

Linda de la Ysla, Community College of Baltimore County
Stephanie Briggs, Community College of Baltimore County

Join us as we explore the work of building contemplative communities and fostering courage and renewal in our professional and personal lives. Through writing reflection and movement-based exercises, participants will be invited to hold space for “a way of being that honors our inner truth” (Parker Palmer).