Breakout Session 5, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Acceleration with Aloha: Helping Hawaii’s Students to Empower Themselves in English

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 1

Brandi Reyes, Leeward Community College
Ann Inoshita, Leeward Community College
Lani Uyeno, Leeward Community College

This presentation will chart the evolution of Leeward Community College’s Accelerated Learning Program and offer examples of assignments and class activities that have been used to foster connections with and between Hawaii’s students. Participants will be introduced to examples of culturally-embedded literature and a goal activity that empowers students’ self-efficacy.

Making Grammar Great Again

Capitol Ballroom 3

Alison Kuehner, Ohlone College

Students in developmental reading-writing classes invariably need help with sentence level errors, yet traditional skill and drill grammar instruction is ineffective and uninspiring. In contrast, sentence modeling engages and transforms students into skilled readers and writers. Participants will leave with lesson plans and class activities for teaching grammar in context.

Creating a Hybrid Accelerated Learning Program that Fits a Small Institution and Gets Results

Capitol Ballroom 2

Marc Malone, Cloud County Community College
Jamie Durler, Cloud County Community College

Institutions with lower enrollments face roadblocks implementing traditional ALPs including finding space, time, and instructors while maintaining enrollments. Cloud County Community College addressed those roadblocks through a hybrid ALP. This session will cover our model and its success. Then we’ll discuss institutional fit and teaching strategies for hybrid environments.

Developing a Community of Practice for Faculty & Influencing Your Region

Faculty Development
Capitol Ballroom 5

Katheryn McCoskey, Butler Community College

Butler Community College’s “Community of Practice” is an on-going training, mentoring, and support program for ALP instructors. Attendees will gain information about the development and components of this program as well how this internal program grew to include a successful regional acceleration conference.

Best Practice Activities in Accelerated Math Course

Capitol Ballroom 6

Lukalu Nadette Munongo, Community College of Baltimore County

Retaining course concept is one of the major challenges faced by students enrolled in any accelerated course. In this presentation, we will discuss the various best practice activities that engage, motivate and encourage students to stay focused while learning the basic concepts of the course. Furthermore, examples of informal assessments and student feedback on the activities will be discussed.

Creating Alignment and Consensus without Losing Autonomy

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 7

Melanie Young, Laramie County Community College

After adopting the ALP model for integrated reading and writing classes, we realized that there was gaping chasm of difference between what instructors were doing in the co-requisite course. Join us for an interactive session where attendees will participate in consensus building activities that help build alignment without sacrificing autonomy.