Breakout Session 6, 11:45-12:45

ALP & Digital Badging: Adapting the Models for Our Institutional Context

Capitol Ballroom 1

Ilknur Sancak-Marusa, West Chester University of PA
Shannon Mrkich, West Chester University of PA
Timothy R. Dougherty, West Chester University of PA

We’ll report on the successes and challenges of adopting/adapting the ALP model for a First-Year Writing Program in an MA-granting state institution in the mid-Atlantic. It will describe our adapted “cohort” two-course ALP model, our digital badging curriculum for the workshop course, and how we’re revising for year 2.

In an Era of Alternative Facts: Using Satire and the News Media to Help ESL Students Differentiate Fact from Fiction

Capitol Ballroom 3

Florence Kabba, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Wenjuan Fan, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

In an era of “alternative facts,” distinguishing between fact and fiction has become a challenge for ESL students. The presenters of the workshop will share with participants how they utilized political satire and the news media to help their students develop critical literacy skills to deconstruct information in the media.

Towards a Growth Mindset in Grading

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 2

Jennifer Hurley, Ohlone College

When students have a growth mindset, they are more motivated and successful. Unfortunately, traditional grading can undercut teachers’ sincere desire to encourage growth mindsets. The session will show an alternative “contract grading” system. This session will present qualitative and quantitative data from three semesters demonstrating the benefits of contract grading on developmental IRW students’ motivation and progress.

Math in the Activity-Based Classroom

Capitol Ballroom 5

Terrie Nichols, Cuyamaca College

Cuyamaca College students learn math in the activity-based classroom where they engage in productive struggle and contextualized remediation is offered just-in-time. Additionally, instructors participate in a community-of-practice program to learn how to teach in this environment. Instructional materials for the activity-based classroom and the community-of-practice training program will be shared.

From Maus and Men to Tammet and Tonto: Topics and Themes in Co-Requisite Courses as a Means to Student Buy-In

Integrated Reading and Writing
Capitol Ballroom 6

Joe Baumann, St. Charles Community College
Robert Jones, St. Charles Community College
Jeff Miller, St. Charles Community College
Jayme Novara, St. Charles Community College
Corey Porter, St. Charles Community College

Wondering how to increase student engagement and buy-in in the co-requisite composition classroom? This panel presentation examines a number of thematic approaches to the composition course that create a cohesive semester-long class that piques student interest and excitement regarding their writing course.

Pinnacles and Pitfalls: How to Navigate an Accelerated Writing Course

Capitol Ballroom 7

Pamela Dunsmore, Irvine Valley College
Stephanie Wood, Irvine Valley College
Danelle Huggett, Irvine Valley College

Explore the world of teaching open-access accelerated writing with three trail-blazing adjunct instructors as your guides. We’ll share which strategies worked best for us to engage diverse learners, including students with affective issues. Workshop participants will hear about our experiences, receive in-class activities, and complete an interactive exercise.