CADE 2017 Plenary Speakers will be Katie Hern, Ed.D., professor Asao B. Inoue and Annette Cook:

Katie Hern, Ed.D., is an English Instructor at Chabot College and Co-Founder of the California Acceleration Project (CAP), a professional development network that supports the state’s 114 community colleges to transform remediation and increase student completion and equity. Colleges in the CAP network are seeing dramatic gains in completion of college English and math by using high school grades in placement, replacing traditional remedial courses with corequisite models, tailoring math remediation to students’ chosen program of study, and teaching with high-challenge, high-support pedagogy. Hern’s publications focus on the need to transform placement and remediation, design principles for teaching in accelerated models of English and math, and integrated reading and writing pedagogy. Hern began teaching English composition at Bowling Green State University in Ohio in 1991. Her past roles include serving as Co-Director of California’s Faculty Inquiry Network and Dean of Academic Affairs for John F. Kennedy University. She holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Mills College. Along with CAP Co-Founder Myra Snell, Hern was named to the Washington Monthly’s “16 Most Innovative People in Higher Education” in 2016.

Asao B. Inoue is Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, Director of University Writing and the Writing Center, a member of the Executive Board of Council of Writing Program Administrators, and the Program Chair of the 2018 Conference on College Composition and Communication. Among his many articles and chapters on writing assessment and race and racism, his article, “Theorizing Failure in U.S. Writing Assessments” in RTE, won the 2014 CWPA Outstanding Scholarship Award. His co-edited collection, Race and Writing Assessment (2012), won the 2014 NCTE/CCCC Outstanding Book Award for an edited collection. His book, Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing for a Socially Just Future (2015) won the 2017 NCTE/CCCC Outstanding Book Award for a monograph and the 2015 CWPA Outstanding Book Award. In November of 2016, he guested co-edited a special issue of College English on writing assessment as social justice, and is currently finishing a co-edited collection on the same topic, as well as a book on labor-based grading contracts as socially just writing assessment.

Annette knew in the first grade that she wanted to be an educator. She spent most of her career as a math instructor with more than 20 years in the high school setting before spending more than a decade at the college level. At Shelton State Community College, she worked as a math instructor and administrator, serving as the Director of the SOAR Institute (SOAR: Student Opportunities for Achievement and Resources) and the Associate Dean of Student Success. As Associate Dean, her work included Testing, Advising, Career Services, and Disability Services in addition to leading the SOAR Institute.
As a professional, Annette has been certified as a Developmental Education Specialist through the Kellogg Institute in 2012, and won the Alabama Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Academic Instructor in 2010. During her career, she has won numerous awards and shared many presentations.
Annette has given back to her profession by serving as the president of two different associations at the state level, and as the Vice-President of NADE and AMATYC (American Mathematical Association for Two Year Colleges) at the national level. She is a member of AMATYC’s Cohort 5 of Project ACCCESS: Advancing Community College Careers: Education, Scholarship and Service. She currently works as an educational trainer and consultant as well as being the Executive Assistant and Conference Manager for NADE, the National Association for Developmental Education.