Adams, Peter. “Basic Writing Reconsidered.” Journal of Basic Writing 12.1 (1993): 22-.
Adams, Peter, Sarah Gearhart, Robert Miller, and Anne Roberts. “The Accelerated Learning Program: Throwing Open the Gates.” Journal of Basic Writing 28.2 (2009): 50-69.
Bartholomae, David. “The Tidy House: Basic Writing in the American Curriculum.” Journal of Basic Writing 12 (1993): 4-21.
Glau, Greg. “The ‘Stretch Program’: Arizona State University’s New Model of University-Level Basic Writing Instruction.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 20 (1996): 79-91.
Greenberg, Karen. “A Response to Ira Shor’s ‘Our Apartheid: Writing Instruction and Inequality.” Journal of Basic Writing 16.2 (1997): 90-94.
Grego, Rhonda, and Nancy Thompson. “The Writing Studio Program: Reconfiguring Basic Writing/Freshman Writing.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 18 (1995): 66-79.
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Jaggars, Shanna Smith, Michelle Hodara, Sung-Woo Cho, and Di Xu. “Accelerated Developmental Education: A Synthesis of Empirical Evidence.” CCRC, Teachers College, Columbia U, 2012.
McNenny, Gerri, and Sallyanne Fitzgerald. Mainstreaming Basic Writers: Politics and Pedaogies of Access. Earlbaum, 2001.
Rigolino, Rachel, and Penny Freel. “Re-Modeling Basic Writing.” Journal of Basic Writing 26.2 (2007): 49-72.
Rodby, Judith, and Tom Fox. “Basic Work and Material Acts: The Ironies, Discrepancies, and Disjunctures of Basic Writing and Mainstreaming.” Journal of Basic Writing19.1 (2000): 84-99.
Rutschow, Elizabeth Zachry and Emily Sneider. Unlocking the Gate: What We Know About Improving Developmental Education. MDRC, 2011.
Shor, Ira. “Our Apartheid: Writing Instruction and Inequality.” Journal of Basic Writing 16.1 (1997): 91-104.
Soliday, Mary, and Barbara Gleason. “From Remediation to Enrichment: Evaluating a Mainstreaming Project.” Journal of Basic Writing 16.1 (1997): 64-78.
Active Learning
Barkley, Elzabeth F., K. Patrica Cross, and Claire Howell Major. Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty. San Francisco: Wiley, 2005.
Bean, John. Engaging Ideas. San Francisco: Josey, 2011.
Finkel, Donald L. Teaching with Your Mouth Shut. New York: Heineman, 2000.
Goodsell, A., M. Maher and V. Tinto. 1992. Collaborative Learning: A Sourcebook for Higher Education. University Park: The National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment.
Hanford, Emily. “The Problem with Lecturing.”
Johnson, D., R. Johnson, and K. Smith. 1991. Active Learning: Cooperation in the College Classroom. Edina, MI, Interaction Book Company.
Kagan, S. 1992. Cooperative Learning. San Juan Capistrano, CA: Resources for Teachers, Inc.
Mazur, Eric. Peer Instruction: A Users’ Manual. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997.
Meyers, C. and T. Jones. 1993. Promoting Active Learning: Strategies for the College Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Paulson, Donald R, and Jennifer L. Faust. “Cal State Los Angeles Ideas for Active Learning.”
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Sharan, S., ed. 1994. Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
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Backwards Design
Tyler, Ralph W. Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction.” Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1969.
Wiggins, Grant P., and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Design. 2005.
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Dweck, Carol. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine, 2006.
Gay, Geneva. Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Teachers College, 2010.
Steele, Claude. Whistling Vivaldi Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us. New York: Norton, 2010.
Claude Steele discusses Whistling Vivaldi on NPR’s Talk of the Nation.
Integrated Reading and Writing
Baldwin, Patricia, Helen Gilotte-Tropp, Sugie Goen-Salter, and Joan M. Wong. Composing for Success: A Student’s Guide to Integrated Reading and Writing. Boston: Pearson, 2007.
Bartholmae, David, and Anthony Petrosky. Facts, Artifacts, and Counterfacts: Theory and Method for a Reading and Writing Course. Boynton/Cook, 1986.
Bean, John. Engaging Ideas. San Francisco: Josey, 2011. Pages 161-82.
Olson, Carol Booth. The Reading/Writing Connection: Strategies for Teaching and Learning in the Secondary Classroom (3rd Edition). Pearson, 2011.
Perrin, Dolores, Rachel Hare Bork, Stephen T. Peverly, Linda H. Mason, and Megan Vaselewski. “A Contextualized Intervention for Community College Developmental Reading and Writing Students.”
Schoenbach, Ruth, Cynthia Greenleaf and Lynn Murphy. Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms. San Francisco: Josey, 2012.
Smith, Frank. Understanding Reading. Erlbaum, 2004.
Brandt, Deborah. Literacy and Learning: Reflections on Writing, Reading, and Society. San Francisco: Josey-Bass, 2009.
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Cushman, Ellen, et al. Literacy: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford, 2001.
Gilyard, Keith. True to the Language Game. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Horner, Bruce. “Discoursing Basic Writing.” College Composition and Communication 47.2 (1996): 199-222.
Horner, Bruce, and Min-Zhan Lu. Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. NCTE, 1999.
Smitherman, Geneva. Talkin’ and Testifyin’: The Language of Black America. Houghton Mifflin, 1977.
Non-Cognitive Issues
Cox, Rebecca D. The College Fear Factor: How Students and Professors Misunderstand One Another. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP. 2009.
DeParle, Jason. “For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall.” New York Times 22 Dec. 2012.
Dweck, Carol. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine, 2006.
Farrington, Camille A. et al. “Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance: A Critical Literature Review.”
Gay, Geneva. Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research and Practice. New York: Teachers College, 2010.
Hanford, Emily. “Angela Duckiworth and the Research on ‘Grit.’”
Heckman, James J., John Eric Humphries, and Nicholas S. Mader. “The GED.” Working Paper 16064. Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010.
Hoover, Eric, and Sara Lipka. “The Second-Chance Club.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 11 Mar. 2013.
Seligman, Martin. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. New York: Vintage, 2006.
Steele, Claude. Whistling Vivaldi Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us. New York: Norton, 2010.
Steele, Claude, discusses Whistling Vivaldi on NPR’s Talk of the Nation.
Stigler, Jim. “Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning.” An NPR broadcast.
Tinto, V. Leaving College: Understanding the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1986.
Tough, Paul. How Children Succeed. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2012.
Yeager, David S. and Gregory M. Walton. “Social-Psychological Interventions in Education: They’re Not Magic.” Review of Educational Research, April 2011.
Yeager, David. Gregory Walton, and Geoffrey L. Cohen. “Addressing Achievement Gaps with Psychological Interventions.” Kappan. Feb. 2013, 61-5.
Zimbardo, Phillip. “The Time Paradox” A video from the TED lectures that discusses the “Marshmellow Experiment” and also balancing time in one’s life.
Reducing Error
Beason, Larry. “Ethos and Error: How Business People Respond to Errors.” College Composition and Communication 53.1(2001): 33-64.
Brannon, Lil, and C.H. Knoblauch. “On Students’ Rights to Their Own Texts: A Model of Teacher Response.” College Composition and Communication 33.2 (May 1982): 157-166.
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Delpit, Lisa. Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. New Press, 1995.
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Hairston, Maxine. “Not All Errors Are Created Equal: Nonacademic Readers in the Professions Respond to Lapses in Usage.” College English 43.8 (1981): 794–806.
Hartwell, Patrick. “Grammar, Grammars, and the Teaching of Grammar.” College English47:2: 1985.
Haswell, Richard. “The Complexities of Responding to Student Writing; or, Looking for Shortcuts via the Road of Excess.” 2006.
Lunsford, Andrea, and Karen J. Lunsford. “”Mistakes Are a Fact of Life”: A National Comparative Study.” College Composition and Communication. 59.4 (Jun 2008) 781-806.
Lunsford, Andrea, and Robert Connors. “Frequency of Formal Errors in Current College Writing, or Ma and Pa Kettle Do Research.” College Composition and Communication. 39.4 (Dec 1988) 395-401.
Noguchi, Rei. Grammar and the Teaching of Writing: Limits and Possibilities. NCTE, 1991.
Shaughnessy, Mina. Errors and Expectations: A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. Oxford UP, 1977.
Straub, Richard. “The Concept of Control in Teacher Response: Defining the Varieties of “Directive” and “Facilitative’ Commentary.” College Composition and Communication 47.2 (May 1996): 223-248.
Weaver, Constance. Teaching Grammar in Context. Boynton/Cook, 1996.
Williams, Joseph. “The Phenomenology of Error.” College Composition and Communication. 32.2 (1981), 152-68.
Bailey, Thomas. “Challenge and Opportunity: Rethinking the Role and Function of Developmental Education in the Community Collee.” CCRC, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2008.
Boylan, Hunter R. and D. Patrick Saxon. ” Outcomes of Remediation.” League for Innovation, National Center for Developmental Education,
Boylan, H Developmental Education: An Analysis of the Literature. Chicago, IL: National Association for Remedial/Developmental Studies in Postsecondary Education, 1983.
Brock, Thomas et al. “Building a Culture of Evidence for Community College Student Success: Early Progress in the Achieving the Dream Initiative.” MDRC and CCRC, 2007.
Cho , Sung-Woo, Elizabeth Kopko, Davis Jenkins, and Shanna Smith Jaggars. “New Evidence of Success for Community College Remedial English Students: Tracking the Outcomes of Students in the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP).” (CCRC Working Paper No. 53) 2012.
Jenkins, Davis, Shanna Smith Jaggers, Nikki Edgecombe, and Cecilia Speroni. “Community College of Baltimore County’s Accelerated Learning Program: A Multivariate Analysis.” 2010.
Thinking Skills
Brookfield, Stephen D. Teaching for Critical Thinking: Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions. San Francisco: Josey, 2011.
Hooks, Bell. Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Paul, Richard. “The State of Critical Thinking Today.” Critical Thinking: Unfinished Business.” Ed. Christine M. McMahon. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. 2005. 27-38. Print.
Smith, Frank. To Think. New York: Teachers College Press, 1990.
Paul, Richard, and Linda Elder. Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning & Your Life. New York: Prentice Hall, 2012.