Past Conferences

The Community College of Baltimore County

CCBC is experimenting with a 10/10 student ratio (10 first year composition students and 10 ALP students) in Fall, 2012. Read Peter Adams' explanation.[pdf] Download this document

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Planning a Contextualized Course

Workshop by Charlyn A. Cassady, The Community College of Baltimore County The 4th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx] Download this PowerPoint    

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One Year of accelerated composition:

Meeting the Challenge by Carolyn Sterling-Deer & Wenjuan Fan, LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York 4th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx...

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Teaching Students Who Aren’t There:

The Challenge and Promise of Teaching ALP Online by Jo Darden-Obi, Ass’t Professor of English at CCBC 4th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pdf] Download This...

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A Tale of Two Classes

Adventures in Contextualization by Charyln A. Cassady, Associate Professor, The Community College of Baltimore County 4th Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx]...

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Building Momentum for Pedagogical Improvement

Lessons from Scaling Innovation by Melissa Berrigan and Susan Bickerstaff - The Community College Resource Center Peter Adams - The Community College of Baltimore County Fourth Annual Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx...

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The Third Time’s the Charm

Partnering Academic Coaching and Tutoring for Student Success by Nicole Baird and Jahari Barnes Fourth National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx’s-the-Charm-ALP-6.2012.pptx] Download...

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Up the Mountain We Go

Launching an ALP Pilot at a Small Community and Technical College in West Virginia by Stephanie Alexander, MEd Fourth National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pptx...

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Start Up Manual for ALP

by Peter Adams Third National Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education [pdf 900 700] Download PDF

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