- Achieving the Dream
- Arkansas Assoc. of Two-Year College Center for Student Success
- California Acceleration Project
- The Center for Applied Research
- Community College Research Center
- Community College Survey on Student Engagement
- Complete College America
- Completion by Design
- Conference on College Composition and Communication
- Connecticut State Colleges and Universities
- Council on Basic Writing
- Developmental Education Initiative
- Ivy Tech Community College
- Jobs for the Future
- League for Innovation in the Community College
- Michigan Center for Student Success
- National Association for Developmental Education
- The Research and Planning Group
- Two-Year College English Association
The Kresge Foundation has provided generous support to enable CCBC to build and develop a formal plan for consistent, and in some cases, state-wide replication of ALP. In addition, Kresge Foundation will generously support our conference in June.
The California Acceleration Project has contributed both financially and in terms of many outstanding presentations at our June conferences
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has generously contributed to the replication of ALP and has also provided generous support for our June conferences