- We are currently participating in a project coordinated by the Community College Research Center and funded by the Hewlett Foundation to support and study the replication of ALP at other schools.
Partner Schools
- Under the CCRC project described above, we will select two schools to partner with in academic year 2011-2012 and four more in 2012-2013.
- We are also eager to provide support to any school that is interested in adopting ALP.
- Offer 80 sections of ALP to 640 students
- Work with partner schools to plan their ALPs for fall 2011
- Revise and expand handbook for teaching ALP
- Conduct surveys of students designed to study what characteristics distinguish developmental students from students in credit writing courses.
- Collect data on persistence and success, including long term persistence and degree completion
- Presentations at the following conferences
- CCCC (Atlanta, GA)
- AtD Strategy Institute (Indianapolis, IN)
- TYCA Midwest (Des Moines, IA)
- Strengthening Student Success Conference (Anaheim, CA)
- AACC (New Orleans, LA)
- Complete College America Conferences (Denver, CO, and Miami Beach, FL)
- TYCA Northeast (Washington, DC)
- AYPF Forum (Washington, DC)
- Propose permanent status for ALP at CCBC
- Conduct Third National Conference on Acceleration in Dev ED
- Offer 160 sections of ALP at CCBC
- Partner schools offer pilot sections
- Work with additional partner schools to plan for pilot sections for fall 2012
- Permanent status for ALP at CCBC
- Conduct Fourth National Conference on Acceleration in Dev ED