Schedule for the 2015 Conference on Acceleration in Developmental Education. Please check back for the updates.

Wednesday, June 24th

Time Event Location
8:30 –12:00 Registration Pacific Ballroom Foyer
9:00-12:00 Intro to ALP
A half-day workshop for anyone contemplating adapting the ALP model at their school. We’ll talk about how ALP works, about practical issues in establishing ALP at your school, and about how ALP helps push pedagogy in positive directions.
Jamey Gallagher, Assistant Director; ALP, CCBC
Bob Miller, Associate Professor, CCBC
9:00-12:00 Rethinking Remediation Pathways: Increasing Completion and Closing Achievement Gaps for non-STEM Students.
In California 23 colleges are redesigning remediation with the support of the California Acceleration Project. In redesigned pathways at the first 8 CAP colleges, the odds of students completing college math were 4.5 times the odds of students in traditional remediation. For African American remedial math students, completion of college math quadrupled (from 10% to 41%), and the achievement gap between African American and Asian students in remediation was eliminated.  Learn about CAP design principles and instructional strategies in this session.
Myra Snell, Los Medanos College
9:00-12:00 Non-Cognitive Issues in the Accelerated Classroom
We know that the main reason students drop out of developmental programs is because of issues either in their lives or in their heads.  In their lives, they sometimes lose their jobs, their children get sick, they are evicted from their apartments, they have legal troubles, or something equally traumatic occurs.  In their heads, they fear they don’t belong in college, they cope with enormous stress, they lack confidence, or they don’t understand how to “do” college. Even though these issues–often referred to as “non-cognitive” issues–constitute the primary reason students are unsuccessful, they are also an area that most English faculty have little preparation to address. In this workshop we’ll attempt to map out the range of non-cognitive issues that our students are confronted with, and we’ll discuss a variety of strategies for dealing with these.  Participants will leave with a better sense of what the issues are and with a collection of materials to address them.
Peter Adams
9:00-12:00 Integrating and Accelerating Developmental Reading and Writing
This interactive workshop will feature ACLT 052, an accelerated, integrated developmental reading and writing course that emphasizes critical thinking. Specifically, we will discuss the inner workings of such a course–including a description of what the course entails, the process of designing the course, the collaboration between Reading and English faculty, and the professional development activities that are integral to the success of the course. In addition, we will present sample assignments, student work samples, and several semesters of data on student success and outcomes.
Jeanine L. Williams, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Reading | Coordinator of Reading Acceleration Initiatives
Sharon Moran Hayes, CCBC
Jay Trucker, CCBC
Rachele Lawton, CCBC
12-1:00 PM Lunch Pacific Ballroom 3, 4
1:00-4:00 PM Inside an Accelerated, Integrated Reading & Writing Classroom
As Director of the California Acceleration Project, Katie Hern supports faculty from across California during their first year of teaching an accelerated course in academic literacy. This interactive half-day session will feature tools used in this work, including an instructional framework for integrating reading and writing, guidelines for choosing texts, and strategies for making sure that affective issues don’t derail students. Participants will get a sense of the day-to-day life of an accelerated, integrated course through classroom video, activities, texts, and assignments from Hern’s own classroom, along with online materials developed by other California teachers.
Katie Hern, Director of the California Acceleration Project
1:00-4:00 PM ALP Pedagogy: “What Will I Do in My ALP Class?”
Student success in a co-requisite model for developmental writing, such as ALP, depends on what happens in the linked developmental course (ALP class).  This workshop will focus on strategies for aligning the syllabi of the credit-level and developmental classes; developing classroom activities that support accelerated learning; strengthening essential skills in writing, reading and thinking; as well as addressing the non-cognitive issues that can derail developmental students.  Attendees will have the opportunity to address these topics within the context of their own classes.
Susan Gabriel
Co-Director ALP, CCBC
1:00-4:00 PM Acceleration in Mathematics: It Works, So Where Do We Go Now?
The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) developed the Accelerated Mathematics Program (AMP) in 2010 to tackle dismal success rates in developmental mathematics courses. Internal data indicates that students in accelerated classes have a 20-30% higher chance of success than students in traditional classes. Danielle Truszkowski and Jesse Kiefner, Director and Assistant Director of AMP, will highlight the evolution of AMP and discuss current challenges of scaling up course offerings and rallying support of faculty members.
Danielle Truszkowski and Jesse Kiefner, Director and Assistant Director of AMP
Dinner – 6pm
Click for more details

Thursday, June 25th

Time Event Location
8:30–10:00 Registration Pacific Ballroom Foyer
8:00–9:00 Breakfast Pacific Ballroom Foyer
9:00-9:15 Welcome Pacific Ballroom 1, 2
9:15-10:15 Plenary Speaker
Mike Rose
Pacific Ballroom 1, 2
10:15-10:30 Book signing by Mike Rose Pacific Ballroom Foyer
10:30-12:40 Breakout Sessions 1 and 2 See bottom of the page for details
12:45-1:45 Lunch Pacific Ballroom 3, 4
2:00-3:00 Panel Discussion Pacific Ballroom 1, 2
See bottom of the page for details
3:15-4:45 Pedagogical Sessions 3 See bottom of the page for details

Friday, June 26th

Time Event Location
8:30–9:30 Registration Pacific Ballroom Foyer
8:00–9:00 Continental breakfast Pacific Ballroom Foyer
9:15-10:15 Plenary Speaker:
John Hetts
Pacific Ballroom 1, 2
10:30-12:40 Breakout Sessions 4 and 5 See bottom of the page for details
12:45-1:45 Lunch Pacific Ballroom 3, 4
2:00-3:00 Poster Session See bottom of the page for details
3:15-4:45 Pedagogical Sessions 6 See bottom of the page for details