Breakout Session 4, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Newport Beach 1
Acknowledging Student Capacity by Reforming Curriculum and Placement in English
Leslie Henson, Butte College, Oroville, CA
Butte College has radically increased the percentage of students placed into college English and implemented an accelerated English course that eliminates a semester of developmental coursework for eligible students. Interpreting these changes’ impact through the concept of stereotype/identity threat illuminates how placement tests can fall short in measuring students’ capacities.
Newport Beach 2
Planning to Launch a Statistics Pathway? Need Curriculum?
Myra Snell, Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, CA
In this session participants will gain access to the Path2Stats curriculum used at Los Medanos College. This includes open source online materials, an activity packet and an instructors’ manual. We will discuss the instructional cycle, pedagogy that supports student engagement, and professional development that supports faculty to teach this course.
Newport Beach 3
The Economic and Political Realities of Implementing Acceleration at Scale
Mark McColloch, Community College of Baltimore County
Scaling up acceleration means facing a number of real or imagined problems. These include financial concerns, buy-in from many parties, training needs, and organizational coordination. What are the actual dimensions of these problems, and what specific strategies have been used to address them, in the process of scale-up. This session will examine the experiences at the Community College of Baltimore County, (an institution that considers itself to be the Mother Ship of Accelerated Developmental Education), as we carried out the multi-year process of conceptualizing, implementing and scaling-up Acceleration. Since our Acceleration experiences are uniquely mature, our insights, struggles and successes, may be of value to others, especially VPs, Deans and Chairs, who are considering these issues, or to individual faculty and staff who will need to win the cooperation of the former officials.
Balboa 1
Collaborative Research in Acceleration
Jennifer Brezina, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA
Daylene Meuschke, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA
Institutional researchers are often called upon to provide data for programs, but often there is not the opportunity for collaborative conversations to clarify questions and interpret results. A College of the Canyons study regarding acceleration in developmental English shows the benefits of a collaborative model for both researchers and faculty.
Statewide Reform
Balboa 2
ALP as Part of Virginia’s Redesign of Developmental English: Implementation and Outcomes
Olga Rodríguez, Community College Research Center at Teachers College-Columbia University, New York, NY
In this session, researchers from the Community College Research Center will draw on data from the Analysis of Statewide Developmental Education Reform (ASDER) study to describe Virginia’s developmental English redesign and to present outcome data on college English placement, enrollment, and course performance as well as other academic progression metrics. The quantitative findings suggest reforms that provide more students the opportunity to enroll in college English can have immediate and sizeable positive effects on gatekeeper course completion. The extent to which these positive effects are sustained through longer-term outcomes, like graduation and transfer, remains under study. The qualitative findings affirm previous research on ALP that theorizes that how the co-requisite model is designed, staffed, and implemented contributes to substantial variation in student performance.
Statewide Reform
Emerald Bay 1
Reform through Restructure: Florida’s Efforts to Improve and Reduce Developmental Education Ineffectiveness
A University-Community College Collaborative Project to Implement the ALP Model
Presenters and Abstracts:
Dr. Tamaria Williams, Florida College System, FL
Dr. Calandra Stringer, Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee, FL
Florida’s recent, legislatively mandated developmental education reform required community college administrators to make modifications to curriculum and student support processes. Presenters will share information about the mandate, challenges and opportunities, provide data from full implementation and invite participants to share reform taking place in their states and colleges.
Meagan Newberry, College of Western Idaho, Nampa, ID
The speaker, a co-leader of the project, will describe a 2013-2014 grant-funded collaboration between a university and community college. This project was a response to a state mandate to reduce remediation through co-requisite offerings; it required developing and launching new ALP courses, sharing resources between institutions, and mentoring faculty.
Emerald Bay 2
Meeting Non-Cognitive Concerns Head-on, Strengthening Students’ Self-Awareness, and Creating an Engaging Classroom
Linda de la Ysla, Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, MD
Basic writers frequently lack confidence in their ability to master the coursework as well as deal with myriad life and affective (non-cognitive) concerns. Furthermore, many faculty may feel ill-equipped to offer the support necessary to maximize students’ academic success. In this interactive session, the presenter, an experienced faculty member at The Community College of Baltimore County will share approaches to encourage students’ exploration of non-cognitive issues. While this session focuses on the writing classroom, the presentation may prove relevant to other developmental educators, too.