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Welcome to the website for the Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) at the Community College of Baltimore County. ALP is a co-requisite model for developmental writing that began as a faculty initiative in 2007. Since that time, ALP has consistently produced dramatic improvements in student success rates and has demonstrated that it can be scaled up. The success of ALP is not limited to CCBC. More than 300 schools around the country have adopted/adapted ALP, and six states have launched wide-scale ALP adoptions: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Michigan, and Virginia. Our website offers information for those of you interested in knowing more about the program, wanting some help with starting up and scaling up an ALP initiative at your school, or looking for classroom materials for ALP classes. Explore the site and contact us if you have questions or would like to know more about our consultation services. Thanks for your interest in ALP.
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